1 Temmuz 1977 İstanbul
Sosyoloğum. Akademisyenim. Mid Sweden Universit’de (İsveç) hocalık ve tez danışmanlığı yapıyorum.
1999 Ümraniye Cezaevi
1999 yurtdışına sürgün
Kürt Siyasetinin Mor Rengi (İngilizce çeviri grubu üyesi)
Asylum and Conversion to Christianity in Europe: Interdisciplinary Approaches, (Lena Rose & Ebru Öztürk (Eds), Bloomsbury, 2024.
Ayşe Serdar, Ebru Öztürk, Katarina Giritli Nygren (2023). A typology of right-wing populism in Europe: Intersections of gender, religion and secularity, Women’s Studies International Forum, Volume 97.
Ebru Öztürk (2022). Finding a new home through conversion: the ontological security of Iranians converting to Christianity in Sweden, Religion, State and Society, 50:2, 224-239.
Ebru Öztürk, Ayşe Serdar & Katarina Giritli Nygren (2022). The veil as an object of right-wing populist politics: a comparative perspective of Turkey, Sweden, and France, Identities, 29:4, 538-555.
Ansiklopedi yazarı (Başlıklar: 1) PKK 2) Tayyip Erdoğan “Religion and Contemporary Politics
A Global Encyclopedia by Timothy J. Demy and Jeffrey M. Shaw, (Eds) 2019, 2 volumes, ABC-CLIO”.
“Bringing the War Home: Paris Carnage as Islamic State’s 9/11” (January 2017), Vol. V, Issue 1, pp.30-37, Centre for Policy and Research on Turkey (Research Turkey), London, Research Turkey
Ebru Öztürk (2016) Savaşı eve taşımak ve IŞİD: Türkiye’de açık cephe savaşı, Avrupa’da bireysel cihat, Birikim Dergisi, Birikim yayınları.
“The Practice of Stateless Democracy in Kobane: PYD and ISIS” Centre for Policy and Research on Turkey (Research Turkey), London.
“The Politicization of the Islam in Britain and France”, (August, 2015). Vol. III, Issue 8, pp.6-19, Centre for Policy and Research on Turkey (Research Turkey), London.
Sungun, Ebru (2013) Language as a means of ‘civilizing’ Kurdish women in Turkey’, in Pascale, C. (2013). Social inequality & the politics of representation: A global landscape. SAGE.
Barát, E. & Sungun, E. (2012). CHAPTER 6: The French Ban on Headscarves: Rendering Racism Respectable. In B. Hipfl & K. Loftsdóttir (Ed.), Teaching “Race” with a Gendered Edge (pp. 111-126). Budapest, Hungary: Central European University Press.
Tohum ekenler, fide dikenler – Türkiye sol hareketi kadın+lar tarihi arşivine isim yükleme kuralı:
– Yaşayan kişiler, kendisiyle ilgili bilgileri ancak şahsen ekleyebilir.
– Vefat etmiş isimlerin bilgi girişi ise, konuya ilgi duyan herkes için mümkündür.
İstanbul Toplumsal Cinsiyet Müzesi